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Коллекция Боев Floyd Mayweather Скачать

50 Cent: "Биф с Мэйвезером закончен, он мой младший брат, я приду на его бой с Пакьяо и буду поддерживать Флойда" Турман: Мейвезер — красивый боец, но уже старый «Регулярный» чемпион мира в полусреднем весе по версии WBA Кит Турман заявил, что расправится с чемпионом мира в двух весах Флойдом Мейвзером-младшим потому, что тот уже не молод, а также сделал выпад, намекая на прозвище Мейвезера — Деньги. «Я ежедневно жгу деньги. Флойд — красивый боец, красивый спортсмен, один из самых совершенных бойцов на сегодняшний день, но это не отменяет того, что он уже старый. Поединок со мной будет самым тяжёлым за всю его карьеру», — приводит слова Турмана Fighthype

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Флойд Мэйвезер-младший на Sports.ru - все новости, интервью, фото и видео. Floyd Joy Mayweather Jr Бой Мэйвезер - Пакьяо будет зрелищным?

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Full career все 38 боев Год выпуска: 2007 Вид спорта: Бокс Участники: Floyd Mayweather Jr. Продолжительность: более 6 часов Комментарий: Профессиональный (многоголосый, закадровый) Описание: Коллекция боев Floyd Mayweather Jr. Full career все 38 боев от R.G.Sport Представляю вашему вниманию полное собрание боев Флойда Мейвезера-младшего. Все бои выложены отдельными файлами и можно качать каждый бой отдельно. Имя: Флойд Мейвезер Титулы: Чемпион WBC в первом легком весе Чемпион WBC в легком весе Дата рождения: 24.02.1977 Место рождения: Гранд Рэпидс, штат Мичиган, США Рост: 173 см Дистанция атаки: 183 см Послужной список: Total fights 38 Wins 38 Wins by KO 24 Losses 0 Draws 0 No contests 0 Биография: 1. Floyd Mayweather Jr. (pro debut) vs. Roberto Apodaca (pro debut) October 11, 1996 Texas Station Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States Time since last fight: Pro debuts for both eventual opp. career: 0-4, last fought 11/20/98 2. Floyd Mayweather Jr. (1-0, 1 KO) vs. Reggie Sanders (1-1) November 30, 1996 Tingley Coliseum, Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States Time since last fight: FM: 1 month, 19 days RS: 1 month, 19 days eventual opp. career: 12-41-4 (2 KO), still fighting as of 7/07 3. Floyd Mayweather, Jr. (2-0, 1 KO) vs. Jerry Cooper (6-3, 3 KO) January 18, 1997 Thomas & Mack Center, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States Time since last fight: FM: 1 month, 19 days JC: 2 months, 11 days eventual opp. career: 16-16-1 (8 KO), last fought 10/22/05 4. Floyd Mayweather Jr. (3-0, 2 KO) vs. Edgar Ayala (pro debut) February 1, 1997 Swiss Park Hall, Chula Vista, California, United States Time since last fight: FM: 14 days EA: pro debut eventual opp. career: 0-3, last fought 3/10/00 5. Floyd Mayweather Jr. (4-0, 3 KO) vs. Kino Rodriguez (9-9-2, 2 KO) March 12, 1997 Stadium Arena, Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States Time since last fight: FM: 1 month, 11 days KR: 7 months, 29 days eventual opp. career: 10-14-2 (2 KO), last fought 5/23/98 6. Floyd Mayweather Jr. (5-0, 4 KO) vs. Bobby Giepert (19-8, 5 KO) April 12, 1997 Thomas & Mack Center, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States Time since last fight: FM: 1 month BG: 5 months, 5 days eventual opp. career: 19-9 (5 KO), this was his last fight 7. Floyd Mayweather Jr. (6-0, 5 KO) vs. Tony Duran (12-15-1, 8 KO) May 9, 1997 Orleans Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States Time since last fight: FM: 28 days TD: 2 months, 27 days eventual opp. career: 13-26-2 (8 KO), last fought 8/25/01 8. Floyd Mayweather Jr. (7-0, 6 KO) vs. Larry O' Shields (12-3-1, 5 KO) June 19, 1997 Alamodome, San Antonio, Texas, United States Time since last fight: FM: 1 month, 10 days LOS: 7 months, 8 days eventual opp. career: 17-12-3 (7 KO), last fought on 12/22/00 9. Floyd Mayweather Jr. (8-0, 6 KO) vs. Jesus Chavez (1-12-1) (Chavez billed as 22-16, 12KO) July 12, 1997 Grand Casino, Biloxi, Mississippi, United States Time since last fight: FM: 24 days JC: 2 months, 18 days eventual opp. career: 3-19-1 (1 KO), still fighting as of 7/07, had two 3 yr layoffs and two 2 yr layoffs 10. Floyd Mayweather Jr. (9-0, 7 KO) vs. Louie Leija (18-3-1, 14 KO) September 6, 1997 County Coliseum, El Paso, Texas, United States Time since last fight: FM: 1 month, 24 days LL: 6 months, 3 days eventual opp. career: 21-8-1 (15 KO), last fought on 6/4/99 11. Floyd Mayweather Jr. (10-0, 8 KO) vs. Felipe Garcia (20-18-1, 11 KO) October 19, 1997 Boise, Idaho, United States Time since last fight: FM: 1 month, 13 days FG: 2 months, 5 days eventual opp. career: 20-23-1 (11 KO), last fought on 6/16/00 12. Floyd Mayweather Jr. (11-0, 9 KO) vs. Angelo Nunez (14-11-3, 4 KO) November 20, 1997 Grand Olympic Auditorium, Los Angeles, California, United States Time since last fight: FM: 1 month, 1 day AN: 2 months, 17 days eventual opp. career: 14-12-3, 4 KO, this was his last fight 13. Floyd Mayweather Jr. (12-0, 10 KO) vs. Hector Arroyo (16-4-2, 9 KO) January 9, 1998 Grand Casino, Biloxi, Mississippi, United States Time since last fight: FM: 1 month, 20 days HA: 2 months, 22 days eventual opp. career: 18-10-2 (11 KO), last fought on 5/19/01 14. Floyd Mayweather Jr. (13-0, 11 KO) vs. Sam Girard (17-4-1, 9 KO) February 28, 1998 Bally's Park Place, Atlantic City, New Jersey, United States Time since last fight: FM: 1 month, 19 days SG: 1 month, 15 days eventual opp. career: 17-7-1 (9 KO), last fought on 11/14/98 15. Floyd Mayweather Jr. (14-0, 12 KO) vs. Miguel Melo (8-1, 6 KO) March 23, 1998 Foxwoods Resort, Mashantucket, Connecticut, United States Time since last fight: FM: 26 days MM: 10 months, 9 days eventual opp. career: 8-2 (6 KO), this was his last fight 16. Floyd Mayweather Jr. (15-0, 13 KO) vs. Gustavo Cuello (20-7, 12 KO) April 18, 1998 Grand Olympic Auditorium, Los Angeles, California, United States Time since last fight: FM: 26 days GC: 3 months, 29 days eventual opp. career: 23-21-2 (12 KO), last fought on 5/17/03 17. Floyd Mayweather Jr. (16-0, 13 KO) vs. Tony Pep (39-6, 22 KO) June 14, 1998 Trump Taj Mahal, Atlantic City, New Jersey, United States Time since last fight: FM: 1 month, 27 days TP: 7 months, 29 days eventual opp. career: 42-10-1 (23 KO), last fought on 3/11/04 18. Floyd Mayweather Jr. (17-0, 13 KO) vs. Genaro Hernandez (38-1-1, 17 KO) October 3, 1998 Las Vegas Hilton, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States WBC Super Featherweight Title Fight Time since last fight: FM: 3 months, 20 days GH: 4 months, 17 days eventual opp. career: 38-2-1 (17 KO), this was his last fight *Mayweather wins WBC Super Featherweight Title 19. Floyd Mayweather Jr. (18-0, 14 KO) vs. Angel Manfredy (25-2-1, 20 KO) December 19, 1998 Miccosukee Indian Gaming, Miami, Florida, United States WBC Super Featherweight Title Fight Time since last fight: FM: 2 months, 16 days AM: 2 months, 28 days eventual opp. career: 43-8-1 (32 KO), last fought on 4/16/04 20. Floyd Mayweather Jr. (19-0, 15 KO) vs. Carlos Rios (44-2-1, 30 KO) February 17, 1999 Van Andel Arena, Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States WBC Super Featherweight Title Fight Time since last fight: FM: 1 month, 29 days CR: 3 months, 3 days eventual opp. career: 52-11-3 (33 KO), last fought on 4/17/04 21. Floyd Mayweather Jr. (20-0, 15 KO) vs. Justin Juuko (33-2-1, 25 KO) May 22, 1999 Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States WBC Super Featherweight Title Fight Time since last fight: FM: 3 months, 5 days JJ: 3 months, 3 days eventual opp. career: 41-9-1 (28 KO), still fighting as of 7/07 had 2 year layoff before last 2 fights 22. Floyd Mayweather Jr. (21-0, 16 KO) vs. Carlos Gerena (34-2, 28 KO) September 11, 1999 Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States WBC Super Featherweight Title Fight Time since last fight: FM: 3 months, 20 days CG: 3 months, 20 days eventual opp. career: 38-6 (30 KO), last fought on 6/28/03 23. Floyd Mayweather Jr. (22-0, 17 KO) vs. Gregorio Vargas (40-6-1, 28 KO) March 18, 2000 MGM Grand, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States WBC Super Featherweight Title Fight Time since last fight: FM: 6 months, 7 days GV: 8 months, 8 days eventual opp. career: 45-9-1 (31 KO), last fought on 11/6/04 24. Floyd Mayweather Jr. (23-0, 17 KO) vs. Emanuel Augustus (22-16-4, 10 KO) (Augustus fought as Emanuel Burton in this fight) October 21, 2000 Cobo Hall, Detroit, Michigan, United States Time since last fight: FM: 7 months, 3 days EA: 2 months, 9 days eventual opp. career: 35-28-6 (18 KO), still fighting as of 8/07 25. Floyd Mayweather Jr. (24-0, 18 KO) vs. Diego Corrales (33-0, 27 KO) January 20, 2001 MGM Grand, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States WBC Super Featherweight Title Fight Time since last fight: FM: 2 months, 29 days DC: 4 months, 18 days eventual opp. career: 40-5 (33 KO), last fought 4/7/07, exactly 1 month before his untimely death, during a motorcycle accident in Las Vegas. 26. Floyd Mayweather Jr. (25-0, 19 KO) vs. Carlos Hernandez (33-2-1, 21 KO) May 26, 2001 Van Andel Arena, Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States WBC Super Featherweight Title Fight Time since last fight: FM: 4 months, 6 days CH: 3 months, 22 days eventual opp. career: 42-7-1 (24 KO), last fought on 9/28/06 *first knockdown of Mayweather's career in 6th round 27. Floyd Mayweather Jr. (26-0, 19 KO) vs. Jesus Chavez (36-1, 25 KO) November 10, 2001 Bill Graham Civic Auditorium, San Francisco, California, United States WBC Super Featherweight Title Fight Time since last fight: FM: 5 months, 15 days JC: 5 months, 14 days eventual opp. career: 43-4 (30 KO), still fighting as of 2/07 28. Floyd Mayweather Jr. (27-0, 20 KO) vs. Jose Luis Castillo (45-4-1, 42 KO) April 20, 2002 MGM Grand, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States WBC Lightweight Title Fight Time since last fight: FM: 5 months, 10 days JLC: 4 months, 4 days eventual opp. career: 55-8-1 (47 KO), still fighting as of 6/07 *Mayweather moved up to Lightweight, winning the WBC title. He successfully defended the WBC Super Fly Title 9 times. 29. Floyd Mayweather Jr. (28-0, 20 KO) vs. Jose Luis Castillo (46-5-1, 43 KO) II December 7, 2002 Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States WBC Lightweight Title Fight Time since last fight: FM: 7 months, 18 days JLC: 4 months, 4 days eventual opp. career: 55-8-1 (47 KO), still fighting as of 6/07 30. Floyd Mayweather Jr. (29-0, 20 KO) vs. Victoriano Sosa (35-2-2, 26 KO) April 19, 2003 Selland Arena, Fresno, California, United States WBC Lightweight Title Fight Time since last fight: FM: 4 months, 12 days VS: 1 month, 29 days eventual opp. career: 42-4-2 (31 KO), last fought on 12/9/05 31. Floyd Mayweather Jr. (30-0, 20 KO) vs. Phillip N'dou (31-1, 30 KO) November 1, 2003 Van Andel Arena, Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States WBC Lightweight Title Fight Time since last fight: FM: 6 months, 12 days PN: 4 months, 10 days eventual opp. career: 31-3 (30 KO), last fought on 5/22/04 (once more after this fight) 32. Floyd Mayweather, Jr. (31-0, 21 KO) vs. DeMarcus Corley (28-2-1, 16 KO) May 22, 2004 Boardwalk Hall, Atlantic City, New Jersey, United States WBC Light Welterweight Title Eliminator Time since last fight: FM: 6 months, 21 days DC: 10 months, 10 days eventual opp. career: 31-6-1 (17 KO), still fighting as of 5/07 *Mayweather moved up to Light Welterweight before this fight He successfully defended the WBC Lightweight title 3 times 33. Floyd Mayweather Jr. (32-0, 21 KO) vs. Henry Bruseles (21-2-1, 13 KO) January 22, 2005 American Airlines Arena, Miami, Florida, United States WBC Light Welterweight Title Eliminator Time since last fight: FM: 8 months HB: 2 months, 23 days eventual opp. career: 25-3-1 (14 KO), still fighting as of 1/07 34. Floyd Mayweather Jr. (33-0, 22 KO) vs. Arturo Gatti (39-6, 30 KO) June 25, 2005 Boardwalk Hall, Atlantic City, New Jersey, United States WBC Light Welterweight Title Fight Time since last fought: FM: 5 months, 3 days AG: 4 months, 26 days eventual opp. career: 40-9 (31 KO), last fought on 7/14/07 *Mayweather wins WBC Light Welterweight Title 35. Floyd Mayweather Jr. (34-0, 23 KO) vs. Sharmba Mitchell (56-4, 30 KO) November 19, 2005 Rose Garden, Portland, Oregon, United States Time since last fought: FM: 4 months, 25 days SM: 5 months, 8 days eventual opp. career: 57-6 (30 KO), last fought on 8/19/06 *Mayweather moved up to Welterweight before this fight He did not defend the WBC Light Welterweight Title before moving up 36. Floyd Mayweather Jr. (35-0, 24 KO) vs. Zab Judah (34-3, 25 KO) April 8, 2006 Thomas & Mack Center, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States IBF Welterweight Title Fight Vacant IBO Welterweight Title Fight Time since last fought: FM: 4 months, 20 days ZJ: 3 months, 1 day eventual opp. career: 34-5 (25 KO), still fighting as of 9/07 *Mayweather won IBF and IBO Welterweight Titles 37. Floyd Mayweather Jr. (36-0, 24 KO) vs. Carlos Baldomir (43-9-6, 13 KO) November 4, 2006 Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States WBC/IBO/IBA Welterweight Title Fight Time since last fought: FM: 6 months, 27 days CB: 3 months, 13 days eventual opp. career: 43-11-6 (13 KO), still fighting as of 7/07 *Mayweather won the WBC and IBA Welterweight Titles, defended the IBO belt. Still had IBF Welterweight Title, but it was not on the line 38. Floyd Mayweather Jr. (37-0, 24 KO) vs. Oscar De La Hoya (38-4, 30 KO) May 5, 2007 MGM Grand, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States WBC Light Middleweight Title Time since last fight: FM: 6 months, 1 day ODLH: 11 months, 30 days eventual opp. career: 38-5 (30KO), still fighting as of 5/07 *Mayweather moved up to Light Middleweight for this fight He won the WBC Light Middleweight Title He successfully defended the IBO Welterweight Title once

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Бокс: Коллекция боев : Флойд Мейвезер-младший ( Floyd Mayweather Jr). Как скачать? американской боксерской династии Мейвезеров. В своем всего лишь восемнадцатом профессиональном бою Флойд свергнул бывшего.

Бокс, Видео, Скачать бои, Флойд Мейвезер-младший ( Floyd Mayweather Jr) великолепного таланта Флойда Мейвезера. В коллекции есть 38 боев.

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Коллекция боев Floyd Mayweather Jr. Full career все 38 боев [2007 г., Бокс] :: RuTracker.org

Juan Manuel Marquez_Floyd Mayweather Jr. (part 1) Флойд Мэйвезер - Маркос Майдана (лучшие моменты) интересно было бы посмотреть бой Флойда с Русланом Проводниковым!Думаю,что Руслан Доска бесплатных объявлений в Карелии / Коллекция блогов пользователей Карелии.